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British Nationality


British Nationality

Are you looking for help to apply to naturalise as a British Citizen? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Are you looking for help to apply to naturalise as a British Citizen? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Over the years the Home Office has continued to update requirements, including the good character requirement which enable the Home Office to refuse applications for naturalisation on more grounds than simply a criminal conviction.

Broadly speaking, we would need to evidence:

  • You are free from immigration control
  • You meet the good character requirement which includes being free from having committed immigration offences
  • You meet the residence requirement
  • You meet the knowledge of language and life requirements


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused, mainly for not meeting the good character requirement. It is no longer only about whether or not you have a criminal conviction. The Home Office can now refuse your application if you are bankrupt, have unpaid debt or breached immigration laws in the last 10 years. Applicants continue to make the mistake thinking because they now have settled status, that their immigration history does not matter. We are afraid it does.

The Home Office will look to establish when you first entered the UK and whether at any point you breached immigration laws. That includes whether you overstayed your leave, remained in the UK illegally, worked without permission to do so, failed to comply with reporting requirements or facilitated the illegal entry of someone to the UK to name a few examples.

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are very experienced in making applications for our clients to naturalise as British.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply to register your child as British? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Broadly speaking, the various routes include:

  • Your child was born in the UK and has lived continuously for the first 10 years of their life in the UK, or
  • Your child was born in the UK, has reached the age of at least 5 years and is Stateless, or
  • Either one of the parents of the child are British or settled in the UK, or the child is applying at the same time as their parent


Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are specialist in such applications.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

View our Fees
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