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Marriage & Relationship Visas


Marriage/Civil Partnership and Relationship Visas

There are a number of scenarios that frequently occur based on relationships, requiring our expertise. Here, we deal with the most frequent applications we deal with on a daily basis.

Are you looking for help to apply for you or your partner to enter the UK as either a fiancé, spouse or partner of someone settled in the UK? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Over the years, this area of law has continued to change and has become increasingly complex with a number of requirements to be met to make a successful application with various nuances which we have mastered as the rules have continued to evolve.

Worry not, as the team at Bushra Ali Solicitors make these applications regularly, are very experienced and are here to support you.

Broadly speaking, we would need to evidence:

  • You and your partner are of legal age to marry
  • You and your partner are legally free to marry
  • There is a genuine intention to enter into marriage or you have entered a legally recognised marriage
  • The relationship is a genuine and subsisting one with an intention to live together permanently
  • That the financial requirement is met
  • That there is sufficient accommodation to accommodate your non-UK partner without causing overcrowding under the Housing Act
  • That the English requirement (A1) is met (if from a majority English speaking country you may be exempt)
  • That you are free from unspent criminal convictions
  • That you have a UKVI approved clinic certificate evidencing you have not contracted TB (if required based on your country of nationality)


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met, or perhaps misunderstood.

Our guarantee

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are so confident about the quality of our service, that if you instruct us on our premium rate package, and in the rare event your application was to be refused, we would give you’re your money back!

Ms Bushra Ali is one of the most experienced lawyers you will find in this field.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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We appreciate you may already be inside the UK under a different category, for example as a student and wish to switch to the partner category.

All of the above requirements apply.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

View our Fees

If you are applying for your second set of 2.5 years leave under the 5- year route, although the above requirements apply, please ensure you have sat and passed a UKVI approved English language test at level A2 of the Common European Framework.

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In the event you are coming up to completing 5 years under the 5-year partner route, we can help you make an application seeking settlement.

We can take you through the requirements to ensure they are all met.

For your application seeking settlement you will need to ensure on this occasion that the knowledge of language and life requirements are met.

In the event you are aged under 65 and do not belong to a majority English speaking country, you will need to ensure you have:

  1. Passed the life in the UK test; and
  2. Passed UKVI approved B1 speaking and listening test, or have a qualifying degree taught in the English language


We will need to work with you to evidence the ongoing genuine and subsisting relationship and the ongoing intention to live together permanently in the UK.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

View our Fees
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