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Other Applications


Other Applications

Administrative Review is available where an eligible decision has been made.

Administrative Review will consider whether an eligible decision is wrong because of a case working error and, if it is considered to be wrong, the decision will be withdrawn or amended.

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We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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The UK Ancestry route is for a Commonwealth citizen aged 17 or over who wants to live and work in the UK and who has a grandparent who was born in the UK or Islands.

A dependent partner and dependent children can apply under this route.

UK Ancestry is a route to Settlement.

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We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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You may have been issued with a refusal decision which attracts a right to appeal. That may be a Human Rights application which has been refused for Entry or Leave to Remain or a protection claim may have been refused.

We will assess the refusal decision and evidence in your matter in order to provide you with a bespoke professional fee to represent you in your matter.

The fixed fee will take into account our hourly rate together with the number of hours of work required in your matter.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply to for Asylum? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Please ensure you consult a Legal Aid lawyer to see whether you qualify for Legal Aid advice. We are a private practice. This means you would need to pay for our services.

Broadly speaking, we would need to evidence:

  • You have a well-founded fear
  • That fear is of persecution, ill-treatment or harm
  • That persecution or ill-treatment is owing to your race, religion, nationality, political opinion or particular social group
  • That the authorities of your country would be unable or unwilling to offer you appropriate protection; and
  • Relocation would not be a viable option in your country


Asylum/Humanitarian Protection is a complex area of law. Applications can be refused for many reasons. This can include credibility. The Home Office may not find you to be a credible witness, may not accept your account of events as having occurred or may not accept you would be at risk of persecution were you to return to your home country.

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are very experienced in supporting our clients making initial claims for asylum, pursuing appeals against refusals, making further submissions and lodging Judicial Review against decisions where there is no right to appeal.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply to settle in the UK under the bereaved partner route? If yes, we are the team to support you!

If you entered the UK or were granted Leave to Remain as the partner of someone settled and during the validity of your leave, your partner passed away, you may qualify for settlement.

Broadly speaking, we would need to evidence:

  • You entered the UK with or had Leave to Remain as the partner of someone settled
  • During the time your Leave to Remain that your relationship was genuine and subsisting and you cohabited together during the validity of your leave
  • Your partner passed away during the validity of your Leave to Remain


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met. Evidence can be lacking to demonstrate the relationship was genuine and subsisting with an intention of both parties to remain together, before your partner passed away.

We are specialists in such applications which we deal with, with great sensitivity and empathy, as these are often traumatic circumstances, having lost a partner, and often at such times, immigration is the last worry you want on your mind.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply for your child to join you in the UK because you have sole responsibility for your child? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Often, parents will have left their children temporarily in the care of others in their home country whilst they come and settle in the UK, at which point they are ready to apply for their children to join them.

Broadly speaking we would need to evidence:

  • Either both parents are settled in the UK or one parent is settled in the UK and the other parent is looking to enter with the child or one parent is settled in the UK and the other parent is no longer living
  • The child is under 18
  • The child is not leading an independent life of their own, they are not married and have not formed their own independent family unit; and
  • The UK parent has sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing; or
  • There are serious and compelling reasons why exclusion of the child form the UK is undesirable
  • The child can and will be adequately accommodated by the UK parent; and
  • The child can and will be adequately financially maintained without seeking additional public funds


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met, or perhaps misunderstood. Proving the UK parent has `sole’ responsibility is a common reason for refusal. `Sole’ does not mean `mainly’ but is about evidencing that `complete’ responsibility rests with the UK parent. This is difficult where the other parent is living in the same country as the child.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply to settle in the UK as a victim of domestic abuse? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Over the years, this area of law has continued to change and has become increasingly complex, with a number of requirements to be met to make a successful application. Worry not, as the team at Bushra Ali Solicitors make these applications regularly, successfully and are very experienced. We are here to support you.

Broadly speaking, we would need to evidence:

  • You entered the UK with or had Leave to Remain as the partner of someone settled
  • During the time your marriage was genuine, subsisting and you cohabited together during the validity of your visa, you were subjected to domestic abuse by your partner or their family
  • The marriage broke down irretrievably as a result of the domestic abuse


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met. Evidence can be lacking to demonstrate that domestic abuse occurred or caused the breakdown of the relationship.

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are renowned for our work in this area approaching with great sensitivity often supporting vulnerable individuals dealing with very traumatic circumstances.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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If you have been successfully recognised as a Refugee, and prior to fleeing to the UK you left your spouse/partner or children under 18 years of age behind, we can look at supporting your family members in making an application to be reunited with you under the family reunion provisions.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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We are not currently not offering this service.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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If you have been issued with a decision which has no right to appeal, and no other domestic remedy is available to you, we may be able to lodge judicial review proceedings where there is an argument that the decision we are seeking to challenge is irrational, unlawful or perverse.

With Judicial Review proceedings you may be able to recover your costs if you are successful in proceedings. In the same way, please bear in mind if unsuccessful you could end up having to pay the costs of the other side.

We will need to consider carefully the decision you are seeking to challenge. The Judicial Review proceedings must be lodged as soon as possible and in any event, no later than 3 months from the date of the decision you are seeking to challenge.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply for a right to reside in the UK based on how long you have resided in the UK? If yes, we are the team to support you!

In the event you have resided in the UK lawfully for a continuous period of 10 years, we may be able to assist in applying for Settlement on the basis of your long residence.

In the event you have resided in the UK for a continuous period of 20 years, we may be able to assist you in applying for a right to reside in the UK.

The 10 year route requires continuous lawful residence whereas the 20 year route maybe partial unlawful or completely unlawful residence.

There may be very significant obstacles to you reintegrating to your home country.

Evidencing residence for such a long period of time is not easy.  Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking.

The private life routes also include if you are between 18 and 25 years of age and have spent at least half your life in the UK, or if you are a child and have lived continuously in the UK for at least 7 years.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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If you are someone who held indefinite leave to remain at the time you left the UK but two years or more have lapsed since you left the UK, then your settled status will have lapsed. This means you no longer hold Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. You will need to apply entry to the UK as a `Returning Resident’. This will require you to demonstrate the strength of your ties and connections to the UK.

We are most definitely able, willing and experienced to assist in such applications.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply to enter the UK as a student? If yes, we are the team to support you!

There is a requirement to prove that you are a `genuine’ student.

You must have a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies from a qualifying educational institute as a sponsor licence holder.

The course you wish to study must be a qualifying course. Amongst other requirements you must evidence that you can fund the cost of the course as well as your own living expenses.

Often students are unable to evidence they are genuine students, or they wish to study a qualifying course.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply for a Refugee Convention Travel Document or a Certificate of Travel? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Broadly speaking, the various routes include:

  • If you have been recognised as a Refugee and wish to apply for a Travel Document as you cannot avail yourself to the authorities of your country
  • You cannot obtain a passport of your own nationality and seek a certificate of travel, for example there is no High Commission or Embassy of your nationality operating in the UK and you cannot obtain a passport unless you were to return to your home country which you cannot do without a passport for travel


Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking for example in evidencing why you cannot apply for a passport of your own nationality.

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we are specialist in such applications.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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Are you looking for help to apply for a family member or friend to visit you in the UK? If yes, we are the team to support you!

The requirements for this category can often be misunderstood.

Many applicants will focus on explaining why they wish to visit the UK, who they will visit, and how they will be accommodated and supported for the duration of the visit but often miss evidencing to the decision-maker’s satisfaction that they will return to their home country at the end of their visit. Simply promising to return is not enough!

The decision maker will look to see evidence of ties, connections, financial commitments and other reasons that would lead the visitor to return to their country at the end of their visit.

A reason often cited in refusing applications is that there is no evidence of a stable income in the visitor’s home country, together with lack of ties and connections, it is not believed they will return to their country at the end of their visit.

We are specialists in such complicated and complex applications.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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