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Parent of British Child


Parent Route and/or Exceptional Circumstances

Are you looking for help to apply for a right to reside in the UK on the basis you are parent of a British national child or a child that has lived continuously in the UK for 7 or more years? If yes, we are the team to support you!

Many parents for example will have got into immigration problems and overstayed their visa or maybe even entered the UK for various reasons with no valid visa. They then during their time in the UK may have entered in to a relationship and had a child as a result of that relationship.

They may be seeking a right to reside in the UK on the basis they have a child in this country and they are involved in the upbringing of that child, whether they are living with them or enjoy regular contact.

Bushra Ali Solicitors are very experienced in such applications.

Broadly speaking we would need to evidence:

  • You are the parent of  British national child, or a child that has resided in the UK for a continuous period of seven years or the child has a right of residence in the UK
  • You are actively involved in that child’s upbringing
  • It is unreasonable to expect the child to relocate outside of the UK


Family situations can be quite complex. There are various relationships as a result of why one may seek a right to reside in the UK. We make many applications relying upon compelling, compassionate and exceptional circumstances.

Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met, or perhaps misunderstood. It is not enough to evidence your name on the birth certificate as the parent. Comprehensive evidence is required to demonstrate what role you play in the day to day upbringing of the child and how that role cannot be maintained were you outside the UK. For example, if your role is to have indirect contact by writing letters to the child and sending gifts, the Home Office is known to argue that you do not need to be inside the UK to do this.

Here at Bushra Ali Solicitors we have an exceptional success rate in such applications, ensuring evidence is front-loaded. The result is that we rarely have an appeal as most of our applications succeed at first stage.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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