It is extremely easy to contact us.
You can call us on 0116 28 34567 during the hours of 9am to 5pm (GMT).
You can email us at: any time.
If your matter is urgent, please call 07850 596 663, leave a message and you will receive a call back.
We operate on an appointment only basis. Please do not attend our offices without an appointment.
Our contact details are:
Head Office
Bushra Ali Solicitors
Business Box
3 Oswin Road
North Wales Office
Bushra Ali Solicitors
Dalton House
35 Chester Street
LL13 8AH
We look forward to your email.
Any data that you submit using this web form will be held by our firm as Data Controller and will be held securely for 12 months before being securely and confidentially destroyed. Your data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent or as otherwise allowed by the relevant Data Protection legislation and will only be used for responding to your query (or purposes associated with that purpose).
You have the right to be informed about what data we hold about you along with other rights set out in the legislation. Further information about your rights under the data protection legislation can be found at
Full details can be found on our website at: