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Adult & Elderly Dependant Relative


Adult and Elderly Dependant Relative

Are you looking for help to apply for you elderly and dependant relatives to join you in the UK? If yes, we are the team to support you!

This category had its requirements drastically changed in 2012, making it extremely difficult for many applications to succeed under this revised category.

The requirements essentially are that the non-UK family member must as a result of age, illness or disability require long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks.

They must evidence that even with the practical and financial help of their UK family member, they are unable to obtain the required level of care in the country where they are living, because there is no one there that can reasonably provide it, or it is unaffordable.

Unfortunately, applications continue to be refused where evidence is lacking or where certain requirements have not been met, or perhaps misunderstood.

Many applications whilst proving there is a medical condition, they fail to demonstrate how the medical condition prevents the person from meeting their own care needs, or why the care cannot be provided by other family members in their country or why paid care would not meet care needs.

Sadly, the test is not about what the elderly relative would like or what the UK sponsor would prefer. The application tends to fail where the entry clearance officer is of the view that adequate care is available, accessible or affordable in the person’s home country.

This is also the most expensive entry clearance application with visa application fees exceeding £3,000 GBP. It is therefore necessary to be sure that all aspects of the application have been appropriately evidenced.

Here, at Bushra Ali Solicitors we will conduct a diagnostic interview of the case at the outset as part of our premium package. We will identify any aspects of the claim that we feel need strengthening with evidence before we start to prepare the application for submission. We will prepare comprehensive letters of instructions for medical experts setting out aspects for them to cover in their detailed reports to support the application. we will prepare comprehensive witness statements on behalf of the applicant and sponsor to set out the circumstances and to address all aspects of the application.

Our Service

We offer a comprehensive end to end service, removing all the stress from the process for you, and minimising the risk of your application being refused.

Call us to discuss your matter and learn more about how we can help you.

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